Python libraries



We have tested the following frameworks and libraries with Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11.

1. Web Frameworks & HTTP Handling:

  • FastAPI
  • Flask
  • Django
  • Gunicorn
  • Uvicorn
  • Httpx
  • Uritemplate
  • Whitenoise
  • Werzeug

2. HTTP Requests and API Clients:

  • Requests
  • Boto3
  • Botocore
  • CoreAPI
  • Jmespath
  • Urllib3

3. I/O, Filesystem & Serialization:

  • Pickleshare
  • Pathlib2
  • Jsonschema
  • Ujson
  • Pathspec
  • Pycparser
  • Pexcept

4. Databases and ORM:

  • Sqlalchemy
  • Psycopg2
  • Sqlite
  • Dj-database-url

5. Concurrency & Async Libraries:

  • Asyncio
  • Threading
  • Subprocess
  • Uvicorn
  • Uvloop
  • Ptyprocess

6. Time & Scheduling:

  • Arrow
  • Dateutil
  • Time

7. Math, Data, and Scientific:

  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Ddsketch

8. Parsing, AST, and Tokens:

  • Ast
  • Astokens
  • Astroid
  • Parso
  • Py

9. Logging, Instrumentation, and Monitoring:

  • Ddtrace
  • Opentelemetry

10. Security & Cryptography:

  • Cryptography
  • Openssl
  • Certifi
  • Ssl

11. Configuration, Parsing & Serialization:

  • Toml
  • Pickleshare
  • Ujson

12. Dependency Management:

  • Packaging
  • Appdirs

13. Web Utilities, HTML, and Templating:

  • Jinja2
  • Markupsafe
  • Pillow
  • Nameparser

14. Decorators, Proxies, and Adapters:

  • Decorator
  • Cattrs
  • lazy-object-proxy
  • Wrapt

15. Linting & Code Formatting:

  • Flake8
  • Black
  • Isort

16. Utility & Helper Libraries:

  • Click
  • Attrs
  • Pyrsistent
  • Six
  • Exceptiongroups
  • Backoff
  • Itsdangerous

17. Miscellaneous:

  • Bytecode
  • Idna
  • user-agents
  • Uaparser
  • Pydantic
  • Pytz
  • Regex